Course Offerings

Workforce Education

Software Developer Using Python

Course ID: CSC-3110EH2   |   Overview

This program bundles a series of three courses, including SQL databases, Introduction to Python, and Software Development Using Python. Course instruction will include both technical and employability skills training to prepare participants for workforce readiness or industry certification to meet the very high demand for these types of occupations in the local labor market. Participants will explore career options, use employability skills, which will include knowing how to provide good customer service to meet employer needs, identifying effective communication strategies, and using collaborative teamwork. In the SQL Database course, students will write database applications, perform administrative tasks, and generate reports. Introduction to Python, Unit 1 through Unit 3 are designed for students with no programming skills. Learners will practice coding in an online environment and develop their knowledge and skills using data structures such as strings, lists, and range sequences, as well as methods for working with these structures. In Unit 3, course participants will build on prior skills by developing sustainable code. Software Development Using Python allows students to build upon prior skills to help automate tasks by creating games and desktop applications. Students should also be prepared to take and pass the relevant certification exams.

Current Opportunities
Details Section Date(s) Location Price Seats  
307434 02/06/25 - 06/17/25 Western Wake Campus 383.00 15 Register

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Requisites: None

To view information on this course and additional non-degree course offerings, visit the Workforce Continuing Education Catalog