Course Offerings

Workforce Education

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits and Motor Control

Course ID: ATR-3115C1   |   Overview

This hands-on course covers the fundamentals of electrical circuits, with a focus on industrial components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers. Students will learn to analyze circuits using Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, and Power formulas. The course includes practical exercises that involve reading electrical diagrams and calculating voltage, current, resistance, and power in combination circuits. This foundation in electrical theory, AC/DC electric circuits, and advanced circuit analysis techniques will equip students with a solid understanding of electric circuit fundamentals and motor control. The course will further focus on the operation and control methods of AC motors and cover motor control devices and control transformers, control circuit diagrams and ladder logic, manual control and automatic input devices, and troubleshooting. This blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practical applications will equip students to excel as technicians, multi-skilled trade workers, and related electrical engineering fields.

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Requisites: None

To view information on this course and additional non-degree course offerings, visit the Workforce Continuing Education Catalog