College Closed Friday

Due to icy roads, all Wake Tech campuses remain closed Friday. In-person classes are canceled, but online classes continue as scheduled. Students can still register for eight-week courses, and prospective students can apply online. Many Wake Tech services are available virtually. Employees who can work remotely should do so.


Episode 12: Wake County's STEM College


Careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are in high demand in the Triangle region. Dr. Jackie Swanik, associate dean of Mathematics and Sciences, and Dr. Chris O’Riordan-Adjah, Engineering Department head, talk about Wake Tech's STEM academic programs and unique and exciting undergraduate research opportunities available to STEM students.

Published on:Jan. 18, 2022

Episode Guests

Dr. Jackie Swanik, associate dean, Mathematics and Sciences

Dr. Chris O’Riordan-Adjah, department head, Engineering